A list of open or forthcoming positions follows:

ESR1: Input optics components for the upgrade of the 2nd generation and 3rd generation Gravitational Wave detectorsDeadline: 27th of July, 2014Host Institution: EGO (European Gravitational Observatory), ItalyRead moreTo download the details and submit an electronic application online:http://www.ego-gw.it/public/organization/jobs/jobs.aspx
ESR2: Study and development of Silicon Carbide stray light control optical components for Advanced Gravitational Wave DetectorsDeadline: 30th of August, 2014Host Institution: Boostec, FranceRead more
ESR3: Properties of materials for Gravitational Wave interferometer opticsDeadline: 13th of July, 2014Host Institution: University of Glasgow, UKTo download the details and submit an electronic application online (Key Word Search: grawiton):http://www.gla.ac.uk/about/jobs/vacancies/
ESR4: Adhesive-Free Bonding of Exotic MaterialsDeadline: 30th of May, 2014Host Institution: Gooch and Housego, UKRead more
ESR5: Computational modelling of advanced laser-interferometric gravitational wave detectorsDeadline: 23rd of May, 2014Host Institution: University of Birmingham, UKRead moreTo download the details and submit an electronic application online:http://www.sr.bham.ac.uk/gwgroup/jobs.php
ESR6: Computer intensive simulation of optical systems and componentsDeadline: 30th of June, 2014.Host Institution: University of Pisa, ItalyRead moreTo download the details and submit an electronic application online:https://www.df.unipi.it/content/news/140531/marie-sk%C5%82odowskacurie-actions-phd-student-position
ESR7 (two possible research arguments): Wave-front distortions simulation and correction or Time domain simulationDeadline: 10th of July, 2014Host Institution: INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), ItalyRead moreTo download the details and submit an electronic application online:http://www.gssi.infn.it/index.php/en/announcements-all/1044-call-for-3-early-stage-researcher-fellowships-at-infn
ESR8: Dynamics of high power fibre amplifiersDeadline: 31th of July, 2014Host Institution: LZH (Laser Zentrum Hannover), GermanyRead moreTo download the details and submit an electronic application online:http://www.lzh.de/en/node/9206
ESR 9: Power stabilization at and below the shot noise limitDeadline: 24th of August, 2014Host Institution: MPG (Max Planck Gesellschaft), GermanyRead moreTo download the details and the job application form see:http://www.aei.mpg.de/1509889/grawitonjobs
ESR 10: Stabilization of high power fiber laserDeadline: 24th of August, 2014Host Institution: MPG (Max Planck Gesellschaft), GermanyRead moreTo download the details and the job application form see:http://www.aei.mpg.de/1509889/grawitonjobs
ESR11: (two possible research arguments): Data Analysis: Continuous Wave or Data Analysis: TransientsDeadline: 10th of July, 2014Host Institution: INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), ItalyRead moreTo download the details and submit an electronic application online:http://www.gssi.infn.it/index.php/en/announcements-all/1044-call-for-3-early-stage-researcher-fellowships-at-infn
ESR12 (two possible research arguments): Data Analysis: Multi-Messenger Analysis or Data Analysis workflowDeadline: 10th of July, 2014Host Institution: INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), ItalyRead moreTo download the details and submit an electronic application online:http://www.gssi.infn.it/index.php/en/announcements-all/1044-call-for-3-early-stage-researcher-fellowships-at-infn
ESR13: Studying neutron-star and black-hole binaries with gravitational wavesDeadline: 23rd of May, 2014Host Institution: University of Birmingham, UKRead moreTo download the details and submit an electronic application online:http://www.sr.bham.ac.uk/gwgroup/jobs.php
Download the recruitment poster here.