ORCID: 0000-0002-6528-3449
Researcher ID: I-8789-2012
Head of Data Science O ce at European Gravitational Observatory, Pisa Associate Faculty at Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
Main Proposer and Action Chair of COST ACTION CA17137 (G2Net) http://www.g2net.eu
General Assembly chair of Project ESCAPE Proposal http://projectescape.eu (ID SEP-210506816)
Leader of ESCAPE Science Project “Extreme Universe” within EOSC-Future project (ID 101017536)
Co-chair of LIGO/Virgo Machine Learning group Co-chair of Data analysis division (DIV10 )for ESFRI Einsten Telescope Impact (as of July 2021): Google Scholar H-index 95, i10-index: 283
Italian National Habilitation as Professor (2013), as Full Professor (2019) in “Fisica sperimentale delle interazione Fondamentali”
1998 Physics Faculty, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy, PhD in Physics
1993 Physics Faculty, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy, Master Degree in Physics
2018 – Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy, Associate Faculty
2004 – European Gravitational Observatory, Pisa, Italy, Head of Data Science O ce (since 2018)
2016 Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Valencia, ES, Short term visiting scientist
2016 Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK, Short term visiting scientist
2014 Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK, SUPA Distinguished visiting scientist
2001 – 2004 Istituto di Fisica Nucleare, Firenze, Italy, Fixed term researcher
2016 Gruber Cosmology Prize (shared with the authors of the GW discovery paper)
1999 – 2001 Osservatorio Astronomico di Arcetri, Firenze, Italy, PostDoc Fellow
2016 – 2 PostDoc, 4 PhD, 1 Bachelor, several internship students
2020 Frontiers of Cosmology Lectures, SNS, Italy, Lecturer
2019 Data Science School in Braga, Portugal, Lecturer
2018 Lectures at Computer Science Department, Bari University, at Data Science Ph.D Colloquium, Pisa University,at Physics Department, Tor Vergata University, Roma, Italy
2010 and 2011 VESF School, EGO, Italy, Lecturer
2021 2nd symposium on Artificial Intelligence for Science, Industry, and Society (AISIS 2021), Astrophysics and astronomy session, 11-15 October (SOC member)
2021 BIRS conference (Detection and Analysis of Gravitational Waves in the era of Multi-Messenger Astronomy) (Organizer and SOC member) 14-19 November
2021 GWMull, 28-30 July, Mull, Scotland, UK (SOC member)
2021 EAS2021 conference Special Session SS14, 30 June (SOC member)
2021 CBMI workshop, Special Session COBLA, 28-30 June, (SOC member)
2021 Innovative Work ow in Astro and Particle physics 8-12 March (Organizer and SOC chair)
2021 3rd G2net Training school |30/08-02/09 Turku, Finland (organizer)
2020 2nd G2net training school | 9-13 March, La Valletta,Malta (organizer)
2020 1nd G2net training school | 25-29 March, Braga, Portugal (organizer)
2019 2nd G2net Conference 9-12 September Rijeka (Chair )
2019 1st G2net Conference 14-16 January, Pisa, Italy (Chair)
2018 Computational Challenges in Gravitational Wave Astronomy, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA January 28 – February 1, 2019 (SOC member)
2018 XXIII SIGRAV Conference-Black holes: Theory and observations (SOC member)
2016 XXII SIGRAV Conference, A Century of General Relativity. In the era of Gravitational Waves. Cefalu, Italy (SOC member)
2016 5th GraWIToN school, Roma La Sapienza, Italy (SOC member)
2015 First GraWIToN Data Analysis school GSSI, Italy (SOC chair)
2015 Workshop on Electromagnetic follow-up program, EGO (LOC member)
2015 First GraWIToN Basic school, EGO, Italy (SOC chair)
2012 Theory and application of signal processing methods (in GW detection, medical science and engineering), EGO, Italy (SOC chair)
2021 – CTAO Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee member
2019 – 2021 Chair of General Assembly for ESCAPE EU project
2018 – Action Chair and Grant Holder scienti c representative for COST CA17137 action
2014 – 2018 GraWIToN Fp7-Marie Curie Actions.ID 606176 Scientific coordinator
2015 European Gravitational Observatory, Italy, Outreach coordinator
2008 – 2014 Virgo Noise Analysis Group coordinator
2010 European Gravitational Observatory, Italy, Outreach coordinator
Editorial Board member for Machine Learning: Science and Technology, IOP, MDPI (Signals), Loop frontiers (Efficient AI in Particle Physics and Astrophysics),
Reviewer for APS, IOP, MDPI, Nature, MNRAS, IEEE, AAS, IOP trusted reviewer (2020)
2020 – Astroparticle Physics European Consortium (APPEC) task foce reviewer
2019 – Concorso per Dipartimento Eccellenza SNS, Selection Committee member
2014 – 2018 Scienti c Advisory Board, GraWIToN FP7 Project ID: 606176
2017 EGO PostDoc fellowship program, Italy, Member of selection committee
2017 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Valencia, ES, PhD Committee mem-ber and substitute chair
Ten years track-record
I am part of the LIGO/Virgo (now with also KAGRA included) collaboration for the research of gravitational waves since more than 20 years. I introduced the technique of whitening, which is used as the pre-processing for transient signal search algorithms. In recent years, I have focused my research activity on the study and application of arti cial intelligence techniques. I’ve introduced these techniques in the eld of gravitational waves research. I have created a group of interest around these issues and have established international collaborations on several topics related to machine learning also with industrial company (NVIDIA, DeepMind, Kaggle (Google company)). Since 2017, I have been co-chair of the Machine Learning group of the international collaboration LIGO/Virgo. In 2017, I led the preparation of a proposal for a successful COST Action (CA17137) that has as its main theme the creation of an interdisciplinary community where computer scientists mix with physicists to improve the data analysis for the detection of gravitational signals, using arti cial intelligence advanced techniques.
Representative Publications as Senior Author [short list, excluding collaboration papers]
- Cuoco, E. et al Enhancing gravitational-wave science with machine learning Mach. Learn.: Sci. Technol. 2 011002,2021
- Razzano, M. and Cuoco, E., Image-based deep learning for classi cation of noise transients in gravitational wave detectors, Class.Quant.Grav. 35 (2018) no.9, 095016.
- Iess, A. Cuoco, E. Core-Collapse supernova gravitational-wave search and deep learning clas-si cationet al 2020 Mach. Learn.: Sci. Technol. 1 025014, 2020
- Morawski,F., Bejger, M. Cuoco, E., Petre, L.,Anomaly Detection in Gravitational Waves data using Convolutional AutoEncoders Mach. Learn.: Sci. Technol., 2021
- Torres-Forne A., Cuoco, E., Font, J.A., Marquina A. Application of dictionary learning to denoise LIGO’s blip noise transients, Phys.Rev.D 102 (2020) 2, 023011
- Cuoco, E. et al On line power spectra identi cation and whitening for the noise in interfero-metric gravitational wave detectors Class.Quant.Grav. 18 (2001) 1727-1752.
- Cuoco, E. et al Noise parametric identi cation and whitening for LIGO 40-meter interferometer data, Phys.Rev. D64 (2001) 122002.
- Torres-Forne A., Cuoco, E. et al Total-variation methods for gravitational wave denoising: performance tests on Advanced LIGO data, Phys.Rev.D 98 (2018) 8, 084013
- Powell,J. Daniele Tri ro, D., Cuoco, E., Heng, I.K., Cavaglia, M., Classi cation methods for noise transients in advanced gravitational-wave detectors, Class.Quant.Grav. 32 (2015) no.21, 215012.
- Cuoco, E., Razzano, M., Utina.A., Wavelet-Based Classi cation of Transient Signals for Grav-itational Wave Detectors, 2018 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2018, pp. 2648-2652
Selected Invited Presentations at International Conferences and Workshops[most recent]
2021 IPAM: Mathematical and Computational Challenges in the Era of Gravitational Wave Astron-omy, long term program, UCLA, USA
2021 IPAM Workshop IV: Big Data in Multi-Messenger Astrophysics, UCLA, USA
2021 Second Gravi-Gamma Workshop, 23-25 June, Volterra, IT, Virtual
2021 11th Iberian Workshop, Valencia, ES, 9-11 June, Virtual
2021 Seminar at University of Geneve, 03 February, Geneve, CH, Virtual
2021 Seminar at RIT, CCRG, 9 February, New York, USA, Virtual
2021 GWDC and ADACS, ML workshop, OzGrav, March 24-25, AU, Virtual
2020 Enabling novel real-time multi-messenger studies, 26-27 March, Berlin, DE, Virtual
2020 Seminar at Manchester Particle Physics Seminars, Colloquia and Meetings, 14 February, UK
2020 Centre for Doctoral Training in Data Intensive Science, UCL, 13 February London, UK
2019 GARR Workshop, 08-10 October, Roma, IT
2019 Hammer & Nails, Weizmann Institute of Science, July 30th – August 8th, Israel
2019 1st Real Time Analysis Workshop, Institut Pascal, Ju1y 15-26 Orsay, FR
2019 XVI Software for Nuclear, Subnuclear and Applied Physics, May 26- 31, Alghero, IT
2019 Seminar at CERN, February 13th, Geneve, CH
2019 Computational Challenge in Gravitational Wave Astronomy, January 28- February 1st, IPAM, Los Angels, USA
2018 SOPHIA, Springboard for Arti cial Intelligence, 7-9 November Nice, FR
2018 3rd ASTERICS-OBELICS workshop, 23-26 October, Cambridge, UK
2018 EUSPIC02018, Special Session on Advances in GW Signal Processing and Data Analysis, 3-7 September, Roma, IT
2018 Fifteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, 1-7 July, Roma, IT
2018 Connecting The Dots 2018, 20-22 March, Seattle, USA
2017 2nd ASTERICS-OBELICS workshop, 16-19 October, Barcelona, ES
2016 11th Workshop on Science with the New generation of High Energy Gamma-ray Experiments, 18-21 October, Pisa, IT
2016 XXII SIGRAV Conference, A Century of General Relativity. In the era of Gravitational Waves. 12-18 September, Cefalu, IT
Organization of International Conferences
2021 BIRS conference, Detection and Analysis of Gravitational Waves in the era of Multi-Messenger Astronomy, (Organizer and SOC member), 14-19 November, Oaxaca, MX
2021 CBMI Special Session CoBLA, June 28-30, Lille, FR
2021 EAS Special Session SS14, 28 June { 2 July 2021, Leiden, NL
2021 Innovative Work ow in Astro and Particle physics 8-12 March (Organizer and SOC chair)
2019 1st G2net Conference 14-16 January, Pisa, Italy (Organizer and Chair)
2018 Computational Challenges in Gravitational Wave Astronomy, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA January 28 – February 1, 2019 (Organizer)
2018 Machine Learning workshop at EGO,Italy (Organizer)
2018 Machine Learning face to face for LIGO Virgo Collaboration, USA (Organizer)
2017 Machine Learning face to face for LIGO Virgo Collaboration, CERN (Organizer)
2015 First GraWIToN Data Analysis school GSSI, Italy (Organizer)
2015 First GraWIToN Basic school, EGO, Italy (Organizer)
2012 Theory and application of signal processing methods (in GW detection, medical science and engineering), EGO, Italy (Organizer Chair)
Major contributions to early careers of excellent researchers
The PhD student I’ve super-vised have been recognized for their work and won grant in our field of research.
Grants “Searches for the anomalies in the gravitational waves data”, grant no: PPN/IWA/2019/1/00157, NAWA (National Agency for Academic Exchange) and “Searches for anomalies in gravitational-wave data as a tool for signal detection and detector characterization”, grant no: 2020/37/N/ST9/02151, NCN (National Science Center) (F. Morawski)
Contributions ESCAPE SUMMER SCHOOL, 2021, An introduction to gravitational wave data analysis (A. Iess)