Notice of Competition

October 10, 2012



  1. The 2012 Stefano Braccini Prize is established for Doctoral Theses on Gravitational Waves or related subjects, including both theoretical and experimental research, written by students of any nationality.
  2. The Prize, consisting in 500 € for the current year 2012 and a Diploma will be attributed to: the Best Doctoral Thesis.
  3. The Prize is offered by the private association of the friends of Stefano Braccini and by the Associazione Ricerca Fondamentale in Fisica.
  4. All theses defended in 2012, from January first to December 31 are admitted.
  5. The Prize will be attributed, within January 31, 2013, by the ad hoc board established by the Director of the European Gravitational Observatory (Cascina, Pisa, Italy).
  6. Doctoral Theses shall be valued on the sole criterion of scientific excellence.
  7. The name of the Prize Winner will be posted on the websites of EGO, Virgo and INFN Section of Pisa.
  8. The Doctoral Thesis, in its original language, must be sent electronically (PDF format) to:, accompanied by the following documents (also in PDF format):
  1. Date, place and responsible Academic Authority that has approved the thesis;
  2. An abstract of the thesis in English (not more than 2 pages);
  3. A list of publications and communications to conferences made by the candidate on subjects related to the thesis;
  4. An evaluation by the Thesis Advisor on the quality of the thesis (in English, 1 page).
  1. Doctoral Theses and the submitted documents will be examined for compliance to the requirements by the EGO Director.
  2. Ex-Equo prizes are not admitted.
  3. The decisions of the ad hoc board cannot be appealed.
  4. The deadline for presentation of the Doctoral Theses for the Stefano Braccini Prize is: January 7, 2013, at 17:00 (arrival time at EGO).