Notice of Competition
October 10, 2012
- The 2012 Stefano Braccini Prize is established for Doctoral Theses on Gravitational Waves or related subjects, including both theoretical and experimental research, written by students of any nationality.
- The Prize, consisting in 500 ⏠for the current year 2012 and a Diploma will be attributed to: the Best Doctoral Thesis.
- The Prize is offered by the private association of the friends of Stefano Braccini and by the Associazione Ricerca Fondamentale in Fisica.
- All theses defended in 2012, from January first to December 31 are admitted.
- The Prize will be attributed, within January 31, 2013, by the ad hoc board established by the Director of the European Gravitational Observatory (Cascina, Pisa, Italy).
- Doctoral Theses shall be valued on the sole criterion of scientific excellence.
- The name of the Prize Winner will be posted on the websites of EGO, Virgo and INFN Section of Pisa.
- The Doctoral Thesis, in its original language, must be sent electronically (PDF format) to:, accompanied by the following documents (also in PDF format):
- Date, place and responsible Academic Authority that has approved the thesis;
- An abstract of the thesis in English (not more than 2 pages);
- A list of publications and communications to conferences made by the candidate on subjects related to the thesis;
- An evaluation by the Thesis Advisor on the quality of the thesis (in English, 1 page).
- Doctoral Theses and the submitted documents will be examined for compliance to the requirements by the EGO Director.
- Ex-Equo prizes are not admitted.
- The decisions of the ad hoc board cannot be appealed.
- The deadline for presentation of the Doctoral Theses for the Stefano Braccini Prize is: January 7, 2013, at 17:00 (arrival time at EGO).