Are you curious to know what is Signal Processing? Have you have ever heard “we need to process the signal”or “we need to analyse the data” and you want to know what does it mean?
What a data analyst or data scientist really does?
Ok…you have to follow my project 🙂
Signal Processing for Dummies
I’m a data analyst, I love analysing data, looking into them, finding different way to extract features, for this reason I decided to share this passion with others and start this project to gather simple python notebooks for doing Signal Processing, Machine Learning and Data Analysis.
This is an Introductory page to set up the environment to run the code I’ll propose in my posts.
Software Language
This package is written in python. The code is mostly in the form of ipython notebook
Environment Setup
To run python scripts or ipython notebook you need to set up a python environment.
This can be done in different ways and some IDE as
can do it for you.
Each of them offers free community edition, but If you prefer to do everything by yourself, you can follow the following instructions to create your local virtual environment:
You have to install also ipython and ipython notebook
– ipython
One you have your python environment setup, you need to install some library packages, which will be used in the notebook or scripts
Library Packages
Further Readings
There are many good tutorial on the net for signal processing and many good book on the argument, so this is only a short list.
– Introduction to Signal Processing, Sophocles J. Orfanidis
– Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing: Estimation Theory by Steven M. Kay (ISBN 0-13-345711-7)
– Nonlinear Methods of Spectral Analysis, Editors: Haykin, S. (Ed.)
Signal Processing for Dummies Posts
Any idea of what a frequency is? Playing with the Fourier Transform
No CommentsDo you have any idea of what a frequency is? How can we pick the frequencies contained in a signal? …Read More »
Simulating time series
1 CommentThis is the first post of a series I’m going to write on signal processing, machine learning and data analysis …Read More »